Swimage Monthly Newsletter
Swimage Attune
We announced the release of Swimage Attune in January. Swimage Attune was created to make the management of on-prem and remote PCs easy and low-cost, without sacrificing the quality of service.
Swimage Attune resides locally on each PC and is updated regularly via the Internet. Processes may be started remotely by IT staff or by self-service. The use cases include monitoring overall PC health, provisioning, OS break fix, malware/ransomware repair, domain migration, and PC replacement with data transfer.
Just like Swimage Endpoint Management, Attune keeps PCs encrypted at all times, even during reimaging and migration. It also has snapshot and rollback capabilities.
You can learn more about Swimage Attune at https://www.swimage.com/solutions/swimage-attune/.

Use Case Spotlight:
Bare Metal Provisioning

Each month we will shine the spotlight on one of Swimage’s many use cases. This month we are highlighting bare metal provisioning.
Swimage perfects the process of provisioning new PCs. Whether it’s for a new employee or a PC replacement for an existing employee, Swimage ensures that the PC is fully provisioned for the employee at lighting speed and with no touches. Swimage provides a fully functional system, including a customized and patched OS, all apps, all customizations, and all data – all within an hour. This also includes PCs for the remote and hard-to-reach locations.
How Swimage Does It
Swimage is built on an intelligent, easy-to-use, and flexible design engine that enables the desktop technician to create a library of building blocks to be used for PC provisioning. The provisioning information is stored in the cloud and accessible the moment the PC is first powered on. With the provisioning information, the PC will build itself completely hands-free. The content, including the image, drivers, applications, and other components, are delivered based on what is most efficient. This can include delivery through the cloud, a local file share, SCCM DP, a flash drive, or the local PC itself.
The Swimage Experience
With Swimage, PCs can be shipped directly to the end-point. Then the PC is simply unboxed and powered on, and in 30 to 60 minutes the PC has everything it needs, including all applications, customization, and on the domain. The employee can log in and begin work immediately.
If this PC is replacing an old PC, Swimage will communicate to the old PC over the network and also transfer all user profiles, including all data, settings, and personality.
Afterwards, Swimage remains active and ready to repair the PC at any time in the future. No matter the issue, including an OS failure, malware, or application failures, Swimage will repair or rebuild the PC with all known-good sources. Repairs with Swimage can be done automatically, by the employee with self-service, or from the Swimage web portal. The process is simple, reliable, and fast.
How Swimage Compares to Autopilot
Swimage can either integrate with Autopilot or run completely standalone. Either way, Swimage provides all of the Autopilot features, is much easier and faster to setup and maintain, and allows flexibility in how your systems and data are managed. Swimage does not require the expensive Microsoft license, it allows to customize the image, and will manage and migrate all data regardless of where it’s stored. Overall, Swimage will save time, money and provide flexibility on how to manage, repair, or migrate your devices.
To learn more, visit:
Innovation Spotlight:
Enhanced Domain Migrations

We love to share the news about our innovations. This month we are highlighting domain migration, now with the Azure join option.
When companies merge through acquisition, the cost of integration is very expensive and can often take years to accomplish. This is especially true when migrating the PCs to the new company’s domain. Traditionally, every PC requires a heavy touch to migrate, typically taking hours of hands-on tech time to complete per PC. Because of the time and challenge, many companies choose to take shortcuts in the process by migrating only the minimal components, but this results in non-standard systems and other potential vulnerabilities. Others choose to simply delay the migration and use PC attrition to handle the migration, which can take 3 to 5 years to complete.
The Swimage Experience
Using Swimage, a PC will be completely and cleanly migrated to the new domain with few-to-no touches. The process can be scheduled through the Swimage cloud server, or it can be initiated by the employee whenever time permits. In 30 to 60 minutes and with no tech intervention, the process is complete and the employee has everything needed to continue working on the new domain. There is no limit to the number of PCs that can migrate at a time, and it can be run completely after hours.
Swimage Differentiators
Swimage does the migration the right way, with no shortcuts and no shortcomings. When completed, the PC will be completely on the company’s domain. Swimage ensures that:
- The new PC is completely reimaged with the new company’s base image
- Applications are scanned and reinstalled with the same or matching supported applications for new company
- The system is fully patched
- Hardware drivers are automatically installed
- Encryption remains intact using the Swimage patented Encryption Handler
- Personality and settings are maintained and migrated to the new domain
- User IDs are automatically mapped domain to domain
- The PC is joined to the new domain, supporting any domain, including Azure AD, Hybrid, or on-premise AD
Swimage has both the flexibility and reliability like no other solution. Swimage can be deployed to any PC in any location, including the hard-to-reach remote worker. All content and instructions are delivered through the cloud. Swimage validates and remediates issues prior the migration. Swimage takes a full snapshot of the drive prior to the migration, which enables a 2-minute rollback capability if needed.
If you have experienced a merger or are anticipating one, let Swimage be the trusted tool to save you time, money, and hassle.
Job Opening:
Chief Revenue Officer

Swimage is seeking a qualified candidate to lead sales efforts as Chief Revenue Officer (CRO). This person will manage and execute the company-wide sales strategy, will be accountable for sales and marketing execution through direct enterprise sales as well as channel sales, and will be an individual contributor to drive revenue growth.
To learn more, visit https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/2906750825/?refId=d66bb678-550f-460b-b9d5-59ab29d2ee47.
To apply, email your resume to recruiting@Swimage.com.